Minor in Sustainability
The Minor in Sustainability is an interdisciplinary program within the College of Arts and Sciences. Sustainability examines the interrelated environmental, political, economic, and social issues and problems facing our society at local, regional, and global scales. The coursework will prepare students to engage with these issues in their workplace and in their community, so that collaborative solutions can be found. The curriculum is designed to educate, train, and prepare students for future careers in diverse fields focusing on the environment, energy, climate change, public policy, transportation, and urban and regional planning. The minor also serves as a foundation for students wishing to pursue graduate training in affiliated fields of study.
The Minor in Sustainability requires completion of a minimum of 18 credit hours, including 15 credit hours of sustainability core courses and 3 credit hours of sustainability-related electives.For detailed information on the courses available and required within the curriculum, consult the UofL Undergraduate Catalog.
Information on adding the Minor in Sustainability to your current academic plan can be found here.
Matthew H. Ruther, Ph.D., Program Director
Phone: (502) 852-8151
Email: matthew.ruther@louisville.edu