MUP Capstone Students win APA-KY Outstanding Student Project Award

Students in the 2021 MUP Capstone course won the Outstanding Student Project award from the Kentucky chapter of the American Planning Association.  Shown (L-R) are APA-KY President Brian Davis, UofL MUP student Rob Monsma, and UofL MUP student Pierce Stevenson. Other students on the project were Charles Ames, Charlotte Caldwell, Jeremy Chesler, Mark Long, and Jennifer Wilson.

Students in the 2021 MUP Capstone course won the Outstanding Student Project award from the Kentucky chapter of the American Planning Association. Shown (L-R) are APA-KY President Brian Davis, UofL MUP student Rob Monsma, and UofL MUP student Pierce Stevenson. Other students on the project were Charles Ames, Charlotte Caldwell, Jeremy Chesler, Mark Long, and Jennifer Wilson.


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